Uno Monero Coffee and Tea House

Cafe Designers: Dogucan Aktas, Bugra Eser Contractor: DA+Partners, BEA Project Area: 250 Project Year: 2024 Location: Izmir/Turkey Architectural Photography: ZM YASA Architectural Photography


The first branch of Izmir-based new generation coffee and tea shop Uno Monero is opened. The main purpose of the brand, which has been in the industry for years, is for the user to experience the product and emotion rather than just the space.

In the interior, which has a semi-industrial design language, we see a lot of chrome touches on different surfaces.The cold feeling of pure chrome is balanced with the natural material terracotta, which is used in some places that require a feeling of warmth, such as work areas or bars.

The terrazzo ceramics used on the floor and the decorative paint surfaces used on the walls provide neutrality, leaving the interest and attention to the chrome/terracotta surfaces.

It is a coffee and tea house that is relatively the back door of a courtyard/passage structure, opposite the Yaşar University campus, where the young population spends a lot of time.

In the space, which is on the verge of a very complex circulation due to its location, a design that is very familiar to the user and gives the feeling that it has been there for years was aimed with the layout plan and exterior covering materials used.

The tempo in the entrance/exit routes, the intermediate rhythm in the bar and courtyard passages, and the calmness in the work area were all considered and designed in a balanced way.


The space designed at this point is aimed to serve this purpose. The concept design focuses on two different stories. While the trio of timeless and space-independent design language, material set and color palette is one of these, the topics of circulation/settlement and the construction of auxiliary spaces shaped according to the user profile in the region are considered as the other half of the story.